At ‘The Met’ – Surrealism Beyond Borders

Although we didn’t plan it that way we ended up spending most of the time at the Surrealism Beyond Borders Exhibition. For those who might be interested the exhibition runs until January 30. Above: Armoire surréaliste (Surrealist Wardrobe), 1941. Marcel Jean.

Landru in the Hotel, Paris (Landru en el hotel, Paris), 1932. Antonio Berni.

An onlooker considers one of my personal favorites: La durée poignardée (Time Transfixed), 1938. René Magritte

La durée poignardée (Time Transfixed) again. This time with no obstructions.

Le rêve de Tobie (The Dream of Tobias), 1917.Giorgio de Chirico

Nus (Nudes), 1945. Samir Rafi.

Pas de deux (Amanecer) (Pas de Deux [Dawn]), 1953. Luis Maisonet Crespo.

Towards the Tower (Hacia la Torre), 1960. Remedios Varo.

Viewers studying Construction molle avec des haricots bouillis (Premonition de la guerre civile) (Soft Construction with Boiled Bean [Premonition of Civil War]), 1936. Salvador Dalí

Construction molle avec des haricots bouillis (Premonition de la guerre civile) (Soft Construction with Boiled Bean [Premonition of Civil War]) again.

Finial from a Slit Gong (Atingting Kon), early to mid-20th century. Ambrym Island

Taken with a Fuji X-E3 and Fuji XF 35mm f1.4 R

Inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral

It’s been almost 10 years since I was at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. At that time I was using a newly acquired Sony NEX-5N (which I still have) and an adapted vintage manual focus lens: a Canon FD f1.4. I was unfamiliar with the camera, particularly some of the features (e.g. focus zoom and focus peaking) that make focusing a manual focus lens easier. Although I got a number of decent pictures I also missed a lot.

“The story of New York’s great cathedral mirrors the story of the city itself. Created to affirm the ascendance of religious freedom and tolerance, St. Patrick’s Cathedral was built in the democratic spirit, paid for not only by the contributions of thousands of poor immigrants but also by the largesse of 103 prominent citizens who pledged $1,000 each. St. Patrick’s Cathedral proves the maxim that no generation builds a cathedral. It is rather, a kind of ongoing conversation linking generations past, present and future.

The cornerstone of St. Patrick’s Cathedral was laid in 1858 and her doors swept open in 1879. It was over 160 years ago when Archbishop John Hughes announced his inspired ambition to build the “new” St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

In a ceremony at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Archbishop Hughes proposed “for the glory of Almighty God, for the honor of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin, for the exaltation of Holy Mother Church, for the dignity of our ancient and glorious Catholic name, to erect a Cathedral in the City of New York that may be worthy of our increasing numbers, intelligence, and wealth as a religious community, and at all events, worthy as a public architectural monument, of the present and prospective crowns of this metropolis of the American continent.”

Ridiculed as “Hughes’ Folly,” as the proposed, near-wilderness site was considered too far outside the city, Archbishop Hughes, nonetheless, persisted in his daring vision of building the most beautiful Gothic Cathedral in the New World in what he believed would one day be “the heart of the city.” Neither the bloodshed of the Civil War nor the resultant lack of manpower or funds would derail the ultimate fulfillment of Hughes’ dream and architect, James Renwick’s bold plan. ” (St. Patrick’s Cathedral website).

Taken with a Fuji X-E3 and Fuji XF 35mm f1.4 R

A Walk along the Old Croton Aqueduct – Untermyer Gardens, A lion and a unicorn

I’ve been to Untermyer a couple of times before, once in 2012 (See: Untermyr Park, Yonkers, NY) and again in 2016 (See the series of posts starting with: Untermyr Gardens Revisited – Overview). The restoration work has made great progress. When I first went quite a lot of structures were virtual ruins, now they’ve mostly been partially or fully restored. Great Work.

For years I’ve been trying to find these two statues. The first time I went I couldn’t find them because I didn’t really know where they were (they’re right at the lowest part of the property where it meets the Old Croton Aqueduct trail). Once I discovered that they were next to the trail I figured I would find them if I walked South on the trail from Tarrytown. Unfortunately my legs gave up before I got to them. I’m glad that I was finally able to get there.

Also in the picture are the deliberately only partially restored Gate House on the left and the overlook from The Vista on the right.

An information board nearby reads:

Opposite the gates along the Old Croton Aqueduct are a pair of monumental structures, a lion and a unicorn, symbols of the United Kingdom. From this point the mile-long carriage trail gradually climbs south up the hill past a ruined circular fountain at the lower switchback, past a meadow at the upper switchback, up to the site of the mansion, now demolished [for a glimpse of how it once looked see here. It’s a shame that it’s now gone].


Untermyer died in 1940. He had wished to give the gardens to the United States, to New York State or failing that, to the City of Yonkers, but because of the great cost of the upkeep of the gardens, which were not accompanied by an endowment, the bequest was initially refused by all three bodies. Finally, in 1946, 16 acres (6.5 ha) of the land was accepted as a gift by the City of Yonkers, and became a city public park. The mansion itself was eventually torn down.

Because of inadequate funding, much of the property was not maintained; a number of structures gradually fell into disrepair, and parts of the site became overgrown, reverting to woodland. In the 1970s an effort was made to restore the garden by Yonkers Mayor Angelo Martinelli, architect James Piccone and Larry Martin, but the campaign was short-lived and the property deteriorated again. In the 1990s community leaders such as Nortrud Spero and Joe Kozlowski and the Open Space Institute persuaded Mayor Terence Zaleski to purchase more of the original estate’s land with the help of the Trust for Public Land, resulting in the 43 acres (17 ha) of the park today.

Untermyer Park and Gardens was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. Since 2011, the Untermyer Gardens Conservancy, a non-profit organization, has been working on restoring the gardens, in partnership with the Yonkers Parks Department. Grants from New York state of $100,000 in 2005 and $65,000 in 2009 helped to finance the renovation and rehabilitation of the park.(Wikipedia).

For more information on both the gardens as a whole and these statues in particular see “A Forgotten Part of a Once Forgotten Garden” by Barbara Israel. You can see some of the progress achieved here. In the article the unicorn is lacking a head. It has since been replaced as seen in the second picture below.

I’ve recently discovered a darker side to the Untermyr property. During the period when it was virtually abandoned and not maintained it is alleged that it became a base for satanic rituals involving, among others, infamous Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz. For more information see: Ritualistic Sacrifice and the Son of Sam: Satanic Worship in America’s Greatest Forgotten Garden: by Megan Roberts on Atlas Obscura.

First picture Taken with a Taken with a Fuji X-E1 and Fuji XC 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 OSS II and the last two with a and Fuji XF 35mm f1.4 R

Another trip into Manhattan – lunch at ‘Inside Park at St. Bart’s’

We had lunch at Inside Park at St. Bart’s, which occupies a portion of St. Bartholomew’s Church (seen in the background): a historic Episcopal parish founded in January 1835, and located on the east side of Park Avenue between 50th and 51st Street in Midtown Manhattan, in New York City. In 2018, the church celebrated the centennial of its first service in its Park Avenue home. In 1992, with the parish’s support, the St Bartholomew’s Preservation Foundation was established. After a two-year fund drive, restoration of the St. Bartholomew’s site began. Leaking roof drains were made watertight, the iconic dome was temporarily secured, and the Great Terrace and 50th Street wall were rebuilt. “Inside Park,” the site’s popular restaurant, also opened in 1992.

At Inside Park at St. Bart’s waiting for my visitor to arrive.

Detail of St. Bartholomew’s Church

Another detail of St. Bartholomew’s Church.

Taken with a Fuji X-E1 and Fuji XC 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 OSS II