Three Kings

Today is Epiphany (or if you prefer it Three Kings Day), which commemorates the visit of the Magi (also known as the three wise men and the three kings).
These guys started off in another part of the village and over time moved to different locations. Here they stand next to the Congregational Church. Since I took this picture, they’ve moved again and they now stand next to a nativity scene on the other side of the church.
Since we’re supposed to have 4-6 inches of snow tonight, I wonder if they’ll make a final move into the church.
According to Bibleinfo:

“We really don’t know the names of the magi because the Bible doesn’t tell us. In fact, the Bible is silent on how many wise men visited Jesus. However, tradition has it that the three wise men who came to seek and honor the infant Jesus were named Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior.”

Unfortunately, I don’t know which one of these is which.

Taken with a Panasonic Lumx GX85 Panasonic Lumix 20mm f1.7