Some new frames

In the preceding post mentioned some problems I had with framed pictures at the Museum of Modern Art.

I recently went with some friends to Ikea and came across some useful and inexpensive frames. So I bought two in different styles to see how they would look with my pictures in them.

I’ll probably print some more and change the cactus picture. I’ll keep the other one because 1) it’s one of very few pictures I have of my father (seen here in front of our house with our dog, Peg) and 2) It may well be the first picture I ever took – with an old Kodak Brownie Vecta box camera. I was about 11 at the time. If it’s not the very first it’s certainly from the first roll.

The picture of the cactus was taken April 16, 2016 at the New York Botanical Garden with a Sony A500. I don’t remember the lens and Lightroom saw fit not to record the lens data.

A Walk in the Woods

While I like to walk in the woods during Summer I don’t particularly like taking pictures. Woodland photography is difficult for me at the best of times: it’s too busy and difficult to isolate subjects without a mess all around them. Also during Summer the foliage is unrelievedly green and lacking in variety. Add to that I’m lazy and find it difficult to get up early in the morning when the light is probably at its best. Rather I manage to get out around noon when it’s arguably at its worst.

On the particular day, however I managed to get up early (actually before sun rise) and get into the woods.

I really does make a huge difference.

Taken with a Sony A7IV and Rokinon AF 24-70 f2.8 FE