Large Bear on Route 9

This wooden bear is huge! Surely larger than life size. Bears can’t get this big can they? If they can I hope I never meet one. Come to think of it I don’t think I want to meet any kind of bear in the wild – even a small one. I thought it was somewhat quirky, especially with the snow on its head.

Hommage to Andreas Gursky

This is my version of Rhein II. I call it ‘Hudson II’.

Of course mine isn’t 73 inches x 143 inches. Nor is it worth $4,338,500. I think it might have been if not for the duck. Can’t have any signs of life. The duck definitely spoiled it. Otherwise who knows?

Taken early in 2012 in Irvington, NY with a Panasonic Lumix Zs7 which explains the noise and the watercolor look.

From Charlie Kirk – 102 things I have learnt about street photography – a slightly flippant and deliberately controversial guide.

Hilarious – at least if you’re into photography. I particularly liked the following:

38. I’d love to put Bruce Gilden in a room with Joerg Colberg.
42. If you shoot film you’re a photographer, if you shoot digital you’re an editor.
54. A badly composed picture of a beautiful woman is always a good photo.
65. Using the high contrast black and white mode on the Ricoh GRD doesn’t make you artistic.
66. Nor does shooting wistful portraits on a Mamiya 7 and desaturating the colours.
67. Using a Leica does.
70. And the Japanese have the highest number of great photographers that no-one has heard of.
73. Are there cliques, sycophants, politics and divisions in landscape photography? Or is it just in relation to street photography?
87. I’ve never understood why “serious photographers” take pictures of dogs but not cats, and horses rather than cows.

102 things I have learnt about street photography – a slightly flippant and deliberately controversial guide.

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