Its fine to view pictures on Facebook, Instagram etc. But having some in your hand that you can browse through is an entirely different, and perhaps more pleasant experience. So I decided to have a go at producing a couple of photobooks.

I’d consider these initial attempts to be more of an experiment than anything else. The point of the exercise was more to gain some experience in using Lightroom and Blurb than anything else.

The first book originated in a visit to the New England Air Museum organized by my friend Ken. Usually when I visit a museum such as this I look for a book describing it and its various exhibits. This time I looked in vain. They just didn’t have a such a book. So I decided to do my own. This particular book is a mixture of text and images. I dedicated it to my friend Ken and gave him a copy.

The second book is, apart from a brief introduction, all pictures – taken around the lake where we have a house.

I’m quite pleased with the results, and encouraged to make some more.

Taken over time with a variety of cameras.

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