I was feeling a bit frustrated after the disappointment of Twin Hill Preserve so I decided to take the dog for another walk, and to another new location. This time we went up Shenandoah Mountain at the north end of Fahnestock State Park. This was much more enjoyable. It’s a short (20-30 minutes) walk along a portion of the Appalachian Trail – short, but quite steep and it’s uphill all the way. There are nice views from the top (1282 feet but you start quite high so I guess you don’t cover the entire distance). Spend a few minutes exploring the top and admiring the views and then it’s about 15 minutes back down. The whole thing can be done in about an hour.

Of course you can also follow the Appalachian Trail as far as you feel inclined – the whole thing runs for 2,200 miles so you won’t reach the end any time soon.

9/11 memorial. Now quite hard to read.

In case you can’t read it it says “U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Reference Mark. For information write to the Director Washington D.C. $250 fine or imprisonment for disturbing this mark.”

Another view from the top.

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