My wife likes Facebook. Recently she started a “Throwback Thursday” series, which involves posting old pictures every Thursday. Unfortunately, most of these pictures are pre-digital so I have to scan old negatives and prints so that they can be posted. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but never got around to so this new initiative has forced me to do it. I wasn’t pleased with my first attempts but I’m getting better – especially when scanning negatives. I’m still not getting acceptable results with prints. Maybe I’m missing something?
This series of pictures were taken the The Netherlands. My wife had a great job opportunity to work for a year in The Hague, the Netherlands. Too good to miss so off she went while I stayed behind in New York with our younger daughter (the older daughter was already away at university in the UK). My wife’s career really took off after this so it was definitely a good choice. While there she rented a lovely little apartment in Scheveningen, not too far from the beach. We were able to visit several times during that year and I have very pleasant memories of our time there.
Windsurfers on the beach at Scheveningen.
Windsurfers at sea, Scheveningen.
The beach at Scheveningen with the Kurhaus in the background.
Eirah on the beach at Scheveningen.