I was taking the train to meet some friends in New York City. I have a choice of two stations: Ossining and Scarborough. They’re both about the same distance from my house. When we were commuting into the city for work, we always used Scarborough, largely because we were entitled to village parking.
However, of late I no longer need the parking, so I tend to use Ossining more, as the facilities are better: places to sit, wait, have snack, have a drink, access to taxis etc. Scarborough has none of this.
On this occasion I chose to go to Scarborough.
It was a strange day: reasonably clear by the station, but extremely hazy over the river. It was so bad that at times you could barely see the other side of the river.
I thought I might get some decent photos. Here are the results.
Taken with a Sony RX100 VII