The fort buildings have largely been turned in sites for museum exhibits. According to the Fort’s website:

Founded in 1909, Fort Ticonderoga has for over a century been a leader in preserving objects related to military culture from North America in the “long 18th century” (1609-1815). Fort Ticonderoga’s collections are a singular resource in the study of the evolving role of subject, citizen, and soldier in the 18th century—a debate that links past to present and can inform the future. Fort Ticonderoga explores these relationships through the physical remains of the events that occurred on the site and the expansive collections that document the broader military experience and heritage of our founding era. The collections are distinct in that they comprehensively speak to the changing role of subject, citizen and soldier in society. Fort Ticonderoga’s collections encompass British, European, Native Nations, and African stories that show the complexities of a shared Atlantic history.

For some reason my feet were hurting. Also, the exertions of the previous day had left me feeling a little tired. So, I sat out visiting the museums.

During our visit re-enactors went about their business: chopping wood, conducting craft/cooking demonstrations etc.

Taken with a Sony RX10 IV

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