This is the only pyramid on the property. It’s distinctive shape easily identifies an Egyptian influence and reflects the fascination that people had at the turn of the last century with other cultures.

According to “Find a Grave” at least fifteen Pinkneys are associated with the mausoleum. Take your pick. The earliest is William Townsend Pinkney who died on 25 May, 1865.

His obituary in the New York Times reads:

Mr. WILLIAM T. PINCKNEY, President of the Astor Fire Insurance Company, died at his residence, No. 39 West Thirty-eighth-street, on Sunday morning, after a brief attack of paralysis. Mr. PINCKNEY was an old and highly respected resident of the Seventh Ward. He was formerly one of the Governors of the Alms-house, and was for many years an officer of the Board of Education and Free Academy. The funeral ceremonies will take place at the Church of the Holy Trinity, to-day, at 3:30 P.M. The remains will be deposited in the Marble Cemetery, Second-street.

Taken with a Fuji X-E3 and Sigma 18-50mm f2.8

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