This small bridge is quite close to the larger bridge in the previous post. I’ve taken pictures of this one too – but not many, and those in black and white. These are the first that I’ve taken in color.

I really like this one. The larger bridge is impressive, but somewhat boring. There’s much more going on with this one: the brook falling over rocks; small pools; old fallen trees; gnarled tree roots with rocks seemingly growing out of them etc. I also find it amazing that although the picture conveys the impression of a burbling brook in the woods, it’s actually only a very short distance from a busy road.

It’s also more of a mystery. While it’s clear that the larger bridge was built to carry the road up to the mansion, I haven’t got a clue what the purpose of this bridge was. It’s really small, only large enough to carry a person (or an animal? or a small cart?). Clearly it allowed passage from somewhere to somewhere else, but why?

I guess I’ll probably never know.

Taken with a Fuji X-E3 and Fuji XF 10-24mm f4

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