Another weakness of mine: ivy growing up, over and around things – often over crumbling ruins, but in this case a tree. One of the purposes of this walk was to try out my new Panasonic Lumix G 20mm f1.7 lens. I bought this lens because the two Micro Four Thirds zoom lenses I have didn’t give me enough subject separation in most cases. Here I was seeing what kind of separation (‘bokeh’ I word I hate) I would get. DPreview describes it as follows:
The F1.7 aperture allows quite a useful degree of control over depth of field and blurring of backgrounds – and the rendition of those backgrounds is very pleasant for a fast ‘normal’ prime too…[closeup], the transition to the out-of-focus regions is handled perfectly smoothly. Distant backgrounds are equally rendered in a fairly neutral fashion.
Taken with an Olympus OM-D EM-10 and Panasonic Lumix G 20mm (40mm full frame equivalent) F1.7, a newly acquired lens.