According to The Conversation 2019 is a “mast” year for oaks.
If you have oak trees in your neighborhood, perhaps you’ve noticed that some years the ground is carpeted with their acorns, and some years there are hardly any. Biologists call this pattern, in which all the oak trees for miles around make either lots of acorns or almost none, “masting.”
In New England, naturalists have declared this fall a mast year for oaks: All the trees are making tons of acorns all at the same time.
We certainly have hundreds, if not thousands of acorns on the ground.
And with the acorns come squirrels.
First picture taken with a Canon EOS 5d and EF 28-105mm f3.5-4.5 USM; second with a Panasonic Lumix GF-1 and Lumix G Vario 45-150mm f4.0-5.6.