This is the cemetery Ken noticed from the road (See:In search of Sybil Ludington – Detour down Brickhouse Road).

Patterson Old Burying Ground. William S Pelletreau in his History of Putnam County, New York published in 1886 wrote: ‘On Erskine’s military map, made about 1780, the Baptist meeting house is laid down near Fredericks­burg. This church, the date of whose building is unknown, stood on the north side of the road from Patterson to Carmel, about half a mile west of where the Mill Brook crosses it and about a mile and a half north of the present church at Towner’s Four Corners.’

He continues, ‘Opposite the site of this old church, on the south side of the road, is an ancient burying ground, the surface of which is thickly studded with rough stones which mark graves, the names of whose occupants have long since passed into oblivion. This is beyond doubt the oldest burying ground in the town. It is on land now owned by Mr. Isaac P. Rogers, and it would be a credit to the village to have this spot enclosed with a suitable fence and protected from desecration.’ (Patterson Historical Society).

It’s presently being renovated. It’s clear that there are some very old graves there, including the two below dating to 1781 and 1779 respectively.

Taken with a Sony RX100 M3.

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