It’s been busy on the lake – surely because it’s Memorial Day weekend. All kinds of watercraft: rowing boats; canoes; kayaks and even a paddleboard with a dog on it (See: Unusual sight on the lake today).

This is the latest one: a catamaran with a brightly colored sail.

Our patio is right outside our front door (i.e. facing the lake). From there a lawn slopes downhill to the dock. Since we’re often on the patio our dog is usually found there too. However, every time something passes on the lake he dashes down to the dock at full speed, barking like crazy. When the boat passes he makes his way back up to the patio. When another vessel passes he repeats this process. A lot of boats have passed today so I’m sure he must be exhausted. I’m in the house at the moment and he’s next to me – fast asleep, snoring and twitching, which normally indicates that he’s dreaming – possibly of boats passing on the lake.

Taken with a Sony A77II and Sigma 400mm f5.6.

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