The sign reads: “The Leatherman”. For no known reason from 1883 to 1889 he trod a 365 mike loop every 34 days between NY and CT clad in 60lbs of leather”.

For more information on The Leatherman see The Legend of The Leatherman.

For an update see: Still Not Talking.

His grave, located near a busy road, drew many visitors and created safety concerns. A decision was made to exhume the Leatherman and relocate his remains to the top of a hill, and away from the road. Collecting a DNA sample from his remains was hoped to provide clues to his genetic background. Was he Native American?

A professional team of archaeologists just completed a three-day dig at his gravesite and found nothing more than coffin nails and dirt. There would be no DNA sample, and the mystery of the Leatherman will remain a mystery forever.

He refused to share his secrets in life, so it’s only fitting that his grave refused to unlock the mystery. The Leatherman still isn’t talking.

These “offerings” were placed on top of the stone marking The Leatherman’s grave. Interesting that nobody has taken the coins. Perhaps they fear the ghost of The Leatherman.

Taken with a Sony RX-100 M3.

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