Why Photographs Work by George Barr.
A summary on the rear cover reads:
Every photographer, from weekend enthusiast to professional, can learn by studying the “greats.” In Why Photographs Work, author/photographer George Barr analyzes 52 striking images by some of the world’s top photographers. Accompanying Barr’s analysis of each image is an explanation by the photographer describing the circumstances of making the image, including not only the how, but also the why. Also included is each photographer’s biography, a reference to his or her websites and publications, and brief technical descriptions of the equipment used in making each image.
We guidance from Barr, we learn to decipher that certain intangible “something” that makes an image go beyond the ordinary. As we gain an understanding of and appreciation for the elements that make an image truly great, we are bound to improve our own images as well.
I haven’t come across this particular format before and I rather like it. At times I found the author’s contributions to be a little “arty”, but still interesting. I particularly like the photographers’ viewpoint. It’s great to hear the rationale behind the photograph.