Here I am at Northgate again. I was actually trying to find the ruins of the old dairy farm. I kept on walking upwards towards where I felt they should be, but didn’t see anything. Eventually as I got close to the top of Mount Taurus I bumped into a couple coming in the other direction. I asked them if they’d seen any ruins and they told me they hadn’t. So back I went. Somehow I’d missed them. After I got home I did some more research and I now think I know where the old dairy farm is. Now all I need is some cooler weather (it’s been in the high 90F-100F for the past week) to try again.

Although I’ve taken pictures of the main house before (See: Northgate Revisited and Former Stern/Cornish Mansion: Northgate) I concluded that a few more wouldn’t hurt. The ruins really are quite spectacular.

The Putnam Valley Historical Society is organizing a presentation on “Northgate/Old Cornish Estate” on Saturday, 14 July 2018.

Taken with a Sony RX-100 M3.

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