Source: James Lager’s Leica An Illustrated History is the Book Every Leica Fan Needs to Own on Casual Photophile
I just came across this post by James Tocchio on the Casual Photofhile site.
In his first paragraph the author writes:
There are lots of books covering the famous red dot from Germany, and most Leica fans are dedicated enough that their shelves hold more than a few of these, but there’s just one set that every real Leicaphile (and any true photo geek) needs to own. It’s James Lager’s three-volume Leica An Illustrated History, and the collected volumes are without a doubt the prettiest, most exhaustive, and best-researched books on Leica you can buy today.
It consists of three volumes: Vol 1: The Cameras; Vol 2: The Lenses; Vol 3: The Accessories.
From the pictures and description in the post it certainly seems impressive. Unfortunately the price is similarly impressive: after a quick look on Amazon.com I’ve discovered that each volume seems to fetch about around $125 and up – too much for me I’m afraid. But then I can’t afford to buy modern Leica cameras either. I imagine that if you have the money to buy a typical Leica a few hundred dollars is peanuts.