Taken with a Sony RX-100 M3 from the top of the New Croton Dam looking North-East. In the distance Hemlock Brook Preserve, which the Westchester Land Trust describes as follows:
This 14-acre preserve was donated by Walter P. Lewisohn in 1971 to The Nature Conservancy. In 2003 The Nature Conservancy transferred the preserve to Westchester Land Trust. The preserve contains a deep, hemlock-lined ravine. A small stream flows through the ravine and is surrounded by a mixed hardwood forest. Great-horned owls have been observed on the preserve. An old stone fireplace and wooden bench can be found in the middle of the preserve, near the brook. A pool of water forms at the back of the preserve, near a stone dam. Although small, Hemlock Brook Preserve is unusually beautiful. With the brook itself slicing through the hemlock ravine, it feels more like the Adirondacks than the lower Hudson Valley. The preserve is only half a mile from the Croton Reservoir and helps protect water quality in the reservoir. In June 2010, two dozen volunteers from Swiss Re in Armonk joined our staff on a beautiful day to create a new trail that loops through the preserve.