This statue stands in a corner by a doorway in the Garrison Institute (formerly the Monastery of Mary Immaculate). As this was once a Roman Catholic monastery you’d think that this statue might look a little out of place. However, ‘once’ is the operative word here. The building has not been a Roman Catholic monastery for quite some time. Now it’s the Garrison Institute, whose purpose as described on their website is:
The Garrison Institute was founded on the belief that action in the world is more compassionate and more effective when infused with the wisdom and skill cultivated in contemplative practices. Overlooking the Hudson River in a beautifully renovated former Capuchin monastery, the Institute convenes and supports those who are exploring the wisdom, values and insight gained through contemplative practices to catalyze personal and social transformation.
The mission of the Garrison Institute is to demonstrate and disseminate the importance of contemplative practices and spiritually grounded values in building sustainable movements for a healthier, safer, and more compassionate world. Working collaboratively with practitioners in diverse fields, the Institute develops and hosts retreats and symposia, produces research and publications, and provides a hub for ongoing learning networks.
In this context this buddha statue doesn’t seem out of place at all.