I don’t know how I missed this place for so long. I live quite close by and the cemetery even bears the same name as mine. We’ve often passed along Routh 134 in Ossining, NY and I’ve often seen a cemetery on the side of the road. Thinking it was the Dale cemetery I decided to visit it today. However, I quickly realized that it wasn’t (it was the St. Augustin cemetery). Looking around a bit I soon found the Dale cemetery a little further down, not really visible from the road.
It’s a pleasant cemetery with rolling hills and lots of interesting statuary. A funeral was taking place while I was there. It must have been for a former member of the armed forces because a number of people in what I think were Marine Corps uniforms were present. They included a bugler and as I was walking around I could hear the sound of “Taps” resounding across the cemetery. I would have liked to have taken a picture, but I didn’t want to intrude into their grief.
Bearing in mind my name it’s quite a co-incidence that the cemetery was designed by HOWARD Daniels (to add co-incidence to co-incidence my mother actually wanted to call my Daniel, but my father had other ideas. I’m thankful for this as I don’t think I would have liked being called “Danny Dale”.)
According to the Cultural Landscape Foundation:
Established in 1851, the cemetery is situated on an oblong, wooded site that slopes up to its western boundary. Designed by landscape gardener Howard Daniels, this scenographic design took full advantage of the site’s naturally steep grades, creating sweeping vistas to the east, with terraced steps that are nestled into the dramatic topography and curvilinear roads and paths that wind around strategically-placed groupings of deciduous and evergreen trees.
Picturesque structures were an integral part of Daniel’s original plans, including a receiving vault and Superintendent’s cottage, while the cemetery’s main entrance along Dale Street is marked by imposing thirty-foot tall marble pillars with rough marble walls. The stone for these walls, the receiving vault, Superintendent’s cottage, and many other walls and monuments on the site was quarried at nearby Sing Sing prison and worked by prisoners there until about 1920. Originally fifty acres, the site was reduced to 37 acres late in the 20th century, but the park-like character of Daniels’ original design remains intact.
Winged Angel Statue. These seem to be quite popular in this particular cemetery – I noticed several of them.
The receiving vault.
Interesting tombstone.
Lawrence Mausoleum. I have not so far been able to determine who “Lawrence” was.