John Baldessari. Hands Framing New York Harbor from Pier 18. 1971. Photograph by Shunk-Kender, from the exhibition “Art on Camera: Photographs by Shunk-Kender, 1960–1971”, MoMA, May-October 2015
I registered, but haven’t yet tried the course. A few comments from someone who has can be found be found in What I Learned By Taking MoMA’s New Photography Course on Petapixel.
Continuing its remarkable activity in organizing open learning activities on creativity and arts, beginning February 10th, the Museum of Modern Art of New York starts an exciting new free online course focused on photography, running on the e-learning platform Coursera.The course, entitled Seeing Through Photographs, is led by Sarah Meister, curator of the MoMA department of photography, and is supported by Volkswagen of America.Open to a general audience and divided into 6 sessions, Seeing Through Photographs will provide a comprehensive view on the art of photography and “about what a photograph is and the many ways in which photography has been used throughout history and into the present day: as a means of personal artistic expression; a tool for science and exploration; a method for documenting people, places, and events; a way of telling stories and recording histories; and a mode of communication and critique in our increasingly visual culture”.
Source: Want to learn photography? MoMA launches free online course