Judging by the time stamp on the picture I was passing through Grand Central on my way to work. What caught my attention first was the bright sunlight streaming through the windows at the east end of the terminal. Then I started to pay more attention to the people busily rushing around inside the terminal – particularly this guy who was watching me (a little suspiciously I thought) take pictures. Remember this was only six months after 9/11 and people were still, perhaps understandably, a little fearful. So I quickly took a few shots and then moved on. In any case I had to get to work even if I was, at that time, only weeks away from retirement (the lens was actually a retirement gift from my colleagues).

Taken fairly early in the morning in March, 2012 with a Sony Nex 5N and a legacy lens of some kind (I didn’t note which one and so can’t identify it although I suspect it is a Voigtlander 35/2.5 C Color Skopar in Leica Thread Mount). Technically it’s not such a great picture. It was quite dark and the contrast was quite extreme. The result is a bit fuzzy – from the high ISO and motion blur from slow shutter speeds. I still like it though.

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