
My wife loves to grow flowers and spends enormous amounts of time and energy planting, pruning, fertilizing etc. My role in gardening is largely limited to lifting anything heavy and digging holes. I don’t much care for the gardening part, but I do like the flowers when they come out. This is particularly true in Spring. After the long Winter (and this year the Winter was particularly harsh) the bright, sunny flowers really cheer me up. Also I also like flowers because when I’m feeling lazy and don’t feel like going far I can usually find some flowers in our garden, and in other gardens along the road. So here are a few flowers, mostly from our garden – and there will be more to come in future posts.


I’ve no idea what this is, but I love the colors.

Maybe not a host of golden daffodils but certainly a small cluster.

Don’t really know what this is – some kind of bluebell?

Don’t know what this is either

Azalea – actually this one’s from a neighboring garden not ours.

Still more daffodils

White blossoms on a tree in our garden.

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