My second digital camera after the late, unlamented Casio QV-100. This one had a massive 2.1 mexapixel sensor. Seemed a lot at the time.

Digital Photography Review concluded:

The Canon S10 certainly sets new ground, and I’m sure it’s sent a few manufacturers racing back to the drawing board (as I’m sure the 950 did when it was released). The S10 is just so good on so many grounds it goes high on my favourite digicams list. With the addition of USB, CF Type II, Super-Fine JPEG, its small size and value for money, if you can live with the limited zoom ability then the S10 is one camera that ANYONE considering buying a digicam should have somewhere in their list.. (somewhere near the top).

Kudos Canon, you’ve produced a digital camera capable of taking beautiful images in anyones hands, with a great feature set and some neat touches it makes some larger bulkier digicams look like dinosaurs and brings compact digital cameras to a new level.

I liked this camera (mind you after the QV-100 I would probably have liked anything). After a few years I left it on a train to Grand Central Terminal. I’d been thinking about upgrading and this gave me the excuse. After doing some research I chose the Canon Powershot S50. Feeling certain that I would never see the S10 again I went out immediately to buy the S50. A few days later I went to the lost and found at Grand Central Terminal – just in case. Lo and behold the camera had been handed in. I guess I had underestimated the honesty of the average new yorker. Co-incidentally a few years later I left the replacement Powershot S50 in a taxi in Geneva, Switzerland. That too came back, but only after I had purchased a Panasonic LX3, the camera which re-kindled my interest in photography.

Fountain, Arles, 2001

Eirah, Philippines, 2000

Interior, Hudson House, Cold Spring, NY, 2002

Chambord, Loire Valley, France, 2002

Boardwalk at Teatown Lake Reservation, 2002

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